Sermon Series

Ministry of Reconciliation - God is the Initiator

Ministry of Reconciliation - God is the Initiator

So the last three articles looking at the passage of 2 Cor. 5:10-17  was a set up to help us dig further into “the ministry of reconciliation,” what it is and what it means for us in receiving its benefits and in participating in the work. Here’s a summary for the last section: 

In light of the wisdom of "the fear of the Lord", knowing we will appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, we persuade others. Because of the Gospel message, we do not boast in ourselves, and we are compelled to serve others and share the Gospel. This is our response to Christ's sacrifice and our great love for Him, not because we deserve to but because He chose us anyways and made us spiritually new, with a new identity, giving us spiritual lenses

Though it was a set up for digging into “the ministry of reconciliation,” the verses we read didn’t mention it directly. This next section does, so we’ll take some time to define it more. Let’s start with reading through the next section of Scripture. 

Ministry of Reconciliation - Acknowledge Spiritual Realities

Ministry of Reconciliation - Acknowledge Spiritual Realities

This article is the third in a series about the Ministry of Reconciliation. You can find the others here.

And finally, a part of spreading the Gospel is POINT #3 - v16-17 Acknowledge Spiritual Realities. In other words, as we saw in the previous article on this, there’s no longer any distinctions (age, gender, ethnicity…) that we as Christians use to evaluate people, only looking to the spiritual reality of their eternal destinies.

Ministry of Reconciliation - We Persuade Others

Ministry of Reconciliation - We Persuade Others

This article is the second in a series about the Ministry of Reconciliation. You can find the others here.

We’ll pull the points directly out of the passage here. POINT #1 - We persuade others v11-13. This point comes after Paul’s acknowledgment of the fear of the Lord in regards to His infinite power and the impending judgement for all.

The Fear of the Lord - Ministry of Reconciliation

The Fear of the Lord - Ministry of Reconciliation

The last two weeks of July, I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel, specifically on a topic I’ve been wanting to dive more into, reconciliation. There are several passages in the New Testament that draw out this aspect of the Gospel, but one in particular that stands out to me is in 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2, where Paul lays out what he calls the Ministry of Reconciliation. In the coming weeks I’ll share my writing from my studying on this topic that I used in my sermons.

In this first post I will share how I laid out the phrases of the passage selection and highlighted patterns. Doing this allows you to find the main points and repeated themes or words of importance. This first post will also take a step back into 2 Cor. 5:10 as the setup for the rest of the section, as well as looking at a brief overview of the Gospel doctrine of reconciliation, which will be covered much more in depth in a future post.