
Education Assistance Plan Update

Education Assistance Plan Update

Thank you for all your prayer and support for the Education Assistance program we are developing. We did a soft-launch test the second week of September to get a picture of what we were needing to work on. It proved eye opening so we have a lot to work on.

I am currently working on focusing our plan so we can officially launch with a more streamlined and hopefully productive system.

An Unexpected Journey to meet an Unforeseen Need

An Unexpected Journey to meet an Unforeseen Need

Life has unexpected turns in it, but God is always faithful. I will give more backstory to our journey at a later date, but here is what we’re up to right now:

COVID-19 has made everything chaotic this year and things that were hard before are now acutely frustrating and even unmanageable. School for K-12 in particular is in a bad spot with lots of controversy and no clear answers, and many vulnerable families and communities are worse off because of it. One such group in particular that is being hit hardest are immigrant and refugee families because of language barriers and many working multiple jobs to provide for their families. The issue when it comes to online homework assignments and online or hybrid classes is the parents and care-takers who know very little English cannot help their children do basic homework assignments because they don't understand the instructions.